local projects
revive provides community outreach and community service to children and families in El Mirage and Surprise, Arizona.
revive provides community outreach and community service to children and families in El Mirage and Surprise, Arizona.
In it's first few years, along with the help of 1,486 volunteers who have served more than 5,572 hours, revive has provided 54,400 pounds of fresh produce, more than 1,200 loaves of bread, and 300 bags of clothing for the local community. revive has refurbished several local businesses with a fresh coat of exterior paint and provided 75 tons of granite, 90 tons of sand, trees, shrubs, park benches, a tether-ball pole, volleyball net and volleyballs to a community park. In partnership with local police and fire department revive distributed smoke detectors and replacement batteries to homes and has painted hundreds of house numbers on curbs to better assist emergency personnel in identifying accurate location of emergency calls. Nearly 460 new backpacks filled with needed school supplies were distributed to low income children, during our back to school backpack event. Crafts, snacks, and haircuts were also available at no cost. The goal of our backpack event is to equip kids for a successful school year.
This year revive will continue to provide food, clothing, and revitalization to the communities of Surprise and El Mirage through our ROC (revive Our Community) events. All of our projects are made possible by the support of our wonderful volunteers. If you are interested in participating in one of our events visit our opportunities page to learn more about volunteering. ![]() In partnership with the City of El Mirage and Dysart Community Center, CUP (Community Uplift Program) helps qualified homeowners with outside clean-up, painting, and beautifying the community. For more information on this program, to apply, or contribute click here.
The first Saturday of every month, revive partners with Dysart Community Center and St. Mary’s Food Bank to provide food to those in need. Each month nearly 7,100 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables are distributed. This event is held at DCC and requires about a 3 hour commitment. This is a wonderful opportunity for groups or individuals to serve others. If you or your group are interested in serving in this area please message us through Facebook or email us to get your name or group scheduled.
reviving the community local event
Over 120 volunteers came together in January to serve the local community. In two hours these individuals made a positive impact on our community! The volunteers divided up to paint the exterior of The Clothing Shop, the interior of two classrooms at Dysart Community Center, sorted and bagged nearly 2,500 pounds of citrus at Valley View Food Bank, pulled weeds and cleaned up two yards for elderly women, and painted hundreds of house numbers on the curbs to assist emergency personnel in locating the proper address in emergency situations. |
Revive sends out a huge Thank You to all who participated and supported this event. An extra Thank You to the wonderful team leads at each site!
Resource Rooms in
Dysart Title 1 Schools
Revive works hard to find supplies and clothing for the Resource rooms. The resource rooms flourish because of the hard work of many. One of the key players is Christine Sanchez. Christine has taken responsibility for keeping the 5 schools Resource Rooms stocked with school supplies (backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, markers), clothing (both new and used) of all sizes, and even food staples for families struggling to even put meals on the table. Christine collects from various donors including Reveal Vineyard attendees. Once the items are collected and brought to the storage unit, Christine and her team of 4-5 volunteers sort the items and organize the storage room. Christine then visits the schools and takes inventory, collects the needed items from storage and returns them to the schools. She does this process each week, rotating the schools so that all are served at least once a month. Teachers have access to the supplies and are able to gather items for students as needed. Currently, Christine puts about 12-15 hours per week into the Resource Rooms, not counting the hours of her team of volunteers. Thanks to Christine and her team, many of the children in the Title 1 schools are able to focus their time on learning.
Dysart Title 1 Schools
Revive works hard to find supplies and clothing for the Resource rooms. The resource rooms flourish because of the hard work of many. One of the key players is Christine Sanchez. Christine has taken responsibility for keeping the 5 schools Resource Rooms stocked with school supplies (backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, markers), clothing (both new and used) of all sizes, and even food staples for families struggling to even put meals on the table. Christine collects from various donors including Reveal Vineyard attendees. Once the items are collected and brought to the storage unit, Christine and her team of 4-5 volunteers sort the items and organize the storage room. Christine then visits the schools and takes inventory, collects the needed items from storage and returns them to the schools. She does this process each week, rotating the schools so that all are served at least once a month. Teachers have access to the supplies and are able to gather items for students as needed. Currently, Christine puts about 12-15 hours per week into the Resource Rooms, not counting the hours of her team of volunteers. Thanks to Christine and her team, many of the children in the Title 1 schools are able to focus their time on learning.
It's All In The System

By now y’all know that one of Revive’s biggest missions is supplying Dysart’s Title 1 schools with Resource Rooms. There’s been stories about all sorts of supplies – notebooks, backpacks, pencils, pants, shirts, underwear, shoes, hygiene supplies, and the list goes on. And on. But did you know it also includes food?
In each of the Resource Rooms is a food pantry stocked with non-perishable food. Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly, soups, canned vegetables and fruit, macaroni and cheese, applesauce, you name it. If it can be used in a meal, it’s probably there. So, “how” you say, “did it get there?” It’s all in the system.
Every Friday, Mike Schuessler, a member of Reveal Vineyard Church, and very active volunteer for Revive, starts his trek. He travels Bell Road from the 303 in Surprise to as far east as 32nd Street. One week, he hands out flyers to all the major grocery stores explaining that he’s collecting for Revive and how the food is used and asking for donations. Sometimes, he’s able to pick up something on the spot. Other times, he waits. At some point during the week, he’ll get a few phone calls saying stores have a donation for him and he’ll pick it up the next Friday. Then a couple more phone calls, and another Friday trip. Every Friday, until the first Friday rolls around again and off he goes with more flyers to start the cycle all over. He’s consistent. And the stores know it.
There are several stores who are “regulars” for Mike. He can count on them every month. Those stores are Sam’s Club, Walmart, Albertson’s, and Safeway. Thank them, if you get a chance.
Each month, Mike fills an entire spare bedroom. It’s then picked up and distributed to the schools. One month, Mike picked up 170 boxes of cereal! Each month, he has at least 500 items donated.
And that’s not all! Mike also works with Payless Shoes to help supply the Resource Rooms. This past month, Mike was able to purchase over 50 pairs of shoes. He has enlisted the help of friends and family, who will send him checks to put towards the shoe purchases. Payless helps him use coupons and BOGO’s to get the best deals he can.
Lastly, Mike has nurtured a relationship with Kohl’s, who will frequently donate new clothing from their clearance racks. All of this also goes to the Resource rooms!
Mike feels blessed to be involved in Reveal and looks for ways to help whenever he can. He gets so much out of being able to give back. Honestly, Mike has done SO much that we are the ones who are blessed to have Mike around! Mike Schuessler, Thank you! For all you do for our kids!
In each of the Resource Rooms is a food pantry stocked with non-perishable food. Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly, soups, canned vegetables and fruit, macaroni and cheese, applesauce, you name it. If it can be used in a meal, it’s probably there. So, “how” you say, “did it get there?” It’s all in the system.
Every Friday, Mike Schuessler, a member of Reveal Vineyard Church, and very active volunteer for Revive, starts his trek. He travels Bell Road from the 303 in Surprise to as far east as 32nd Street. One week, he hands out flyers to all the major grocery stores explaining that he’s collecting for Revive and how the food is used and asking for donations. Sometimes, he’s able to pick up something on the spot. Other times, he waits. At some point during the week, he’ll get a few phone calls saying stores have a donation for him and he’ll pick it up the next Friday. Then a couple more phone calls, and another Friday trip. Every Friday, until the first Friday rolls around again and off he goes with more flyers to start the cycle all over. He’s consistent. And the stores know it.
There are several stores who are “regulars” for Mike. He can count on them every month. Those stores are Sam’s Club, Walmart, Albertson’s, and Safeway. Thank them, if you get a chance.
Each month, Mike fills an entire spare bedroom. It’s then picked up and distributed to the schools. One month, Mike picked up 170 boxes of cereal! Each month, he has at least 500 items donated.
And that’s not all! Mike also works with Payless Shoes to help supply the Resource Rooms. This past month, Mike was able to purchase over 50 pairs of shoes. He has enlisted the help of friends and family, who will send him checks to put towards the shoe purchases. Payless helps him use coupons and BOGO’s to get the best deals he can.
Lastly, Mike has nurtured a relationship with Kohl’s, who will frequently donate new clothing from their clearance racks. All of this also goes to the Resource rooms!
Mike feels blessed to be involved in Reveal and looks for ways to help whenever he can. He gets so much out of being able to give back. Honestly, Mike has done SO much that we are the ones who are blessed to have Mike around! Mike Schuessler, Thank you! For all you do for our kids!

Revive is about to enter it’s 5th Dysart school!
For the past year or more, Revive has been working hard to serve the students of Dysart Unified School district. Countless phone calls and meetings have taken place with office managers and principals to culminate in resource rooms set up in five Title 1 schools throughout the district. These resource rooms contain clothing, school supplies, backpacks, jackets, shoes, hygiene products and even food. Every material thing a student needs to succeed in school.
What is a Title 1 school? A Title 1 school has a high population of at-risk and low-income students. It’s a federally funded program designed to provide additional assistance (such as tutoring, counseling and enrichment) to help students bridge the gap in order to experience a full and successful education. By providing these items and encouragement these students can eliminate some of the stresses of daily life, allowing them to learn better and be better students.
As of the start of the 2016-2017 school year, Revive will have resource rooms set up in five of the 10 Title 1 schools. The goal is to have full participation in all 10 schools as soon as possible.
Donations have come from hundreds of people and businesses. Walmart donates monthly to the project and attendees at Reveal Vineyard Church fill a bin just about every week to help supply the rooms. Numerous other donations have come in from gift cards to food items. Donation items can be dropped off at Reveal church Sunday mornings or a pick up can be scheduled by clicking here.
For the past year or more, Revive has been working hard to serve the students of Dysart Unified School district. Countless phone calls and meetings have taken place with office managers and principals to culminate in resource rooms set up in five Title 1 schools throughout the district. These resource rooms contain clothing, school supplies, backpacks, jackets, shoes, hygiene products and even food. Every material thing a student needs to succeed in school.
What is a Title 1 school? A Title 1 school has a high population of at-risk and low-income students. It’s a federally funded program designed to provide additional assistance (such as tutoring, counseling and enrichment) to help students bridge the gap in order to experience a full and successful education. By providing these items and encouragement these students can eliminate some of the stresses of daily life, allowing them to learn better and be better students.
As of the start of the 2016-2017 school year, Revive will have resource rooms set up in five of the 10 Title 1 schools. The goal is to have full participation in all 10 schools as soon as possible.
Donations have come from hundreds of people and businesses. Walmart donates monthly to the project and attendees at Reveal Vineyard Church fill a bin just about every week to help supply the rooms. Numerous other donations have come in from gift cards to food items. Donation items can be dropped off at Reveal church Sunday mornings or a pick up can be scheduled by clicking here.