This world can be a cynical place. Past failures can cause future hope to vanish.
But once hope is caught, once its embers are reignited, it is an unstoppable force. revive aims
to rekindle hope with the individual and then watch it spread through the community.
But once hope is caught, once its embers are reignited, it is an unstoppable force. revive aims
to rekindle hope with the individual and then watch it spread through the community.

who we are
revive seeks to assist communities current and future needs through community service and community outreach. Community service events consist of restoring and revitalizing neighborhoods and businesses who need assistance. Community outreach consists of free clothing, food, school supplies, education, skill building, mentorships, & medical outreach. This involves establishing relationships within the community and internationally. Part of this process is learning and growing alongside community members as we provide resources and manpower to assist them. revive is dedicated to the long-term development of strong, safe and self-empowered communities that are defined by hope in the future and dignity for all mankind.
our history
revive was established in 2010 by individuals with a heart for serving others. Not only do we feel there is an immediate need today, we feel there is a demand to help revitalize impoverished communities and provide them with tools for sustainable success. We began by hosting community outreach events and community service days. While we continue to offer these events and opportunities we are working towards developing educational programs locally and internationally.
our vision
The vision of revive is to establish healthy sustainable relationships, evaluate and define the need, encourage collaboration to fulfill the need, provide credibility and maintain sound visibility for our foundation and the communities and people we serve.
our mission
The mission of revive foundation is to focus on recognizing the need, reviving the community, and restoring the hope locally and internationally with compassion and integrity.
revive seeks to assist communities current and future needs through community service and community outreach. Community service events consist of restoring and revitalizing neighborhoods and businesses who need assistance. Community outreach consists of free clothing, food, school supplies, education, skill building, mentorships, & medical outreach. This involves establishing relationships within the community and internationally. Part of this process is learning and growing alongside community members as we provide resources and manpower to assist them. revive is dedicated to the long-term development of strong, safe and self-empowered communities that are defined by hope in the future and dignity for all mankind.
our history
revive was established in 2010 by individuals with a heart for serving others. Not only do we feel there is an immediate need today, we feel there is a demand to help revitalize impoverished communities and provide them with tools for sustainable success. We began by hosting community outreach events and community service days. While we continue to offer these events and opportunities we are working towards developing educational programs locally and internationally.
our vision
The vision of revive is to establish healthy sustainable relationships, evaluate and define the need, encourage collaboration to fulfill the need, provide credibility and maintain sound visibility for our foundation and the communities and people we serve.
our mission
The mission of revive foundation is to focus on recognizing the need, reviving the community, and restoring the hope locally and internationally with compassion and integrity.